Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Do You Believe?

     Making a list and checking it twice.... but this list has nothing to do with who is naughty or nice....

          We had the opportunity to go out with Pastor Pablo and his wife Stella to deliver Christmas gifts to the children that live in Tobati and come three days a week for a feeding program and gospel message here at Su Refugio. These children are from very poor families and the meals they receive are the only healthy food they get. Su Refugio would like to feed them five days a week but does not have the funds. These gifts were donations from the U.S. and a local supermercado but ultimately they are gifts from the Lord himself and are a small example of what He has given us.

As we were delivering them it reminded me of our traditions of Santa. Even our traditions enforce the belief that we have to earn everything we get. If you're not good then Santa will put coal in your stocking; if you are good you get presents! What kind of message does that send to our children? One of unconditional love? I think not.

     The message of Christ is that we can never be good enough. Our debt it too great to ever be able to pay. The good news is that we don't have too. Christ paid the price for us. He loved us so much that He paid the price for all our sins so that we could receive the greatest of all gifts. How contrary to our human thinking, how un-like us, to give to those who didn't earn it, even to those who will reject the effort. How great a God we serve.
Are your hearts open like these little children to receive the good gifts the Father has for you?

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