Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Schooled by a 7-year old!

Sunday morning service was held in the amphitheater because we had no electricity on the complex, hence no fans in the church building. When it came time to pass the offering bag, the usher first passed it to the group of adults and older kids. When it got to me, I was going to pass it over to the younger kids, but the usher asked for the bag directly. I gave it to him and he passed it to the other adults and older kids. Eventually the bag made it back to me from the side of the younger kids, and I noticed they were all putting in their coins.

Apparently the offering bag had bypassed one of the younger girls. After the usher had collected the bag and was putting it away, this young girl came quickly and put her coins in, also. That act made a big impression on me.

Admittedly, there have been times when an offering bag didn’t make it to where I was sitting and I was content to save my offering for another time. This girl was different. She had a choice: save her offering money for something she might like, or give it to God’s work in the church. After all, no one would know if she didn’t make her offering. It wasn’t her fault the bag didn’t get to her. She was willing to give, but didn’t have to make the extra effort. But she did. Wow!

How many reasons do we come up with for not giving? Who else can learn from this little girl? Giving is a privilege, not an obligation. Take advantage of it!

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