Saturday, April 24, 2010

¡Somos Graduados!

We are graduates! Friday April 23, 2010 was our graduation ceremony at the Instituto de Lengua Española (ILE) just outside San José, Costa Rica. We arrived here in late August 2009 hoping to learn Spanish and we are leaving with much more!

One of the most visually impressive things we can show you is this list of our friends who will be serving with us in the kingdom throughout Central and South America. Look at this list of graduates, arranged by country. Missionaries are leaving here to work in 14 countries! We saw a similar group of people leave for 13 countries in December!

We had an amazing opportunity to fellowship with these men and women of God. We heard their testimonies in chapel twice a week, we heard how they were called into the mission field, and we heard how God will be using them in so many ways throughout Latin America. That kind of education cannot come from any textbook – you have to live it and God led us to it!

Due to the economic downturn, and the feeling of some mission boards that Latin America is becoming saturated, enrollment at this institution is falling and they were forced to let 3 of the instructors go after graduation. Please pray that God would continue to encourage the people that are working here and give them clear guidance how they are to proceed… they are facing difficult choices right now.

Click here to see some other graduation pictures we posted on Facebook.

¡Dios les bendiga!

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