Friday, March 4, 2011

The Workers

Then He [Jesus] said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest. – Matthew 9:37-38

How many times have you read that passage, and even said a prayer (or two)?

These past few days I spent with the workers (los obreros) in Jujuy in northwestern Argentina, I thought What would happen if EVERYONE responded to Jesus’ request to pray for workers, but NO ONE responded to God’s call to be a worker in the field?

I also realized that some people are praying the God would send workers into the field, and others are praying that God would bring workers into the field. Do you see the difference? Some people are sitting at home asking that God send workers where they are needed, and others are praying that God would bring workers to where they are needed.

Anyone reading the above passage has 3 choices: ignore it, pray for workers, or become a worker. Sandy and I have the opportunity to not only pray for the workers, and sometimes even be the workers, but we get to meet and fellowship with many of God’s workers in the field. These are men who are married and have families, like many of us, but have responded to the hunger God placed in their hearts for His Word. They are taking the gospel and biblical training into areas that do not even have a space on the map. They are winning souls for Christ, starting churches that multiply, and discipling others to do the same. They have responded to His call to be the workers in the field.

What an awesome privilege we have been given. If you have prayed for us, thank you. If you have supported us financially, thank you. If you want to know more about how God is working throughout Latin America, OR VISIT WITH US IN ONE OF THESE COUNTRIES, please contact us.

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