Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Isn’t Marriage Universal?

I am planning my first visit to Peru in August and was recently chatting with Jaime, our country coordinator there. One place we will visit is the Amazon region, where we will be teaching a class on the Old Testament.

Jaime and I were talking about what I would do there, and I told him I could teach some of the OT lessons, but would also like to share some lessons on apologetics and marriage. He told me the lessons on marriage would be especially useful because none of the pastors in this region are married: they are living with their “wives” and have families, but have never married. Jaime has already taught two classes in this region, and spoke to them about God’s plan for marriage, and told me my lessons would help give credibility to what he has already told them.
The TPI class in the Amazon region of Peru
Jaime got an email from William, one of the men in the Amazon region, a few days later and passed it on to me. The pastor said that seven of the men wanted to get their lives right before God and decided to get married this month (May). [I wanted to send this post a few weeks ago but was waiting for a photo of the group] Since this would be the first marriage ceremony in this area, they asked Jaime to send them information how to perform a wedding.

We are able to reach into this area because of your continued prayers and financial support. Thank you!

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