Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Small Island South of Florida

I also went to a small island south of Florida (I don't want the name to show up in search engines).

What a trip! In the airport, I was singled out for a special 1 1/2 hour interview and inspection of everything I had. I entered with a dry cough and left with a slight case of bronchitis (one of the pastor’s wives was sick). I saw Dodges, Chevys and Fords from the 40’s and 50’s driving on the road with tractors, horse and buggies, scooters with side cars and contemporary Russian cars!
But they know God! I attended a home bible study that had solid biblical teaching (how to pray and listen to God the night I was there). The church is alive and growing there.
These brochures say: United in the planting of churches, transforming [our country] through the presence of Christ. In the time I was there, we held classes in Pioneer Evangelism for almost 300 people. Here is a photo of one of the classes.
Clearly, these men are making a difference in the lives of their students, future pastors and church leaders. They are leading people to Jesus Christ by the 100’s and 1000’s. They are transforming their countries. Please continue to pray for them and their families in Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, and Paraguay.

Bill leaves tomorrow for 2 1/2 weeks in Colombia.

On these trips, I again learned the impact we have. One of the men told me they are especially encouraged when we are able to personally assist and encourage them. The actual visit, eye contact, handshakes, and hugs, mean a lot to them.

Please pray for us.

If you’d like to be part of our financial support team, tax-deductible donations can be made out to TPI and can be sent to the following address (please include a note indicating the donation is for Bill & Sandy Stevener):
Training Pastors International; PO Box 2135; Grenada, MS 38902

1 comment:

  1. Great work by great people... Thanks for all you do in the name of the Lord.


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